Advertisement in a Local Free Magazine
Type of Information
Free publications in south Edinburgh have currently standardised as A5 portrait booklets; e.g. Morningside Messenger. Some will include advertisements from local churches free, as a public service. Others may charge around £35 for a half-page advertisement.
Decide what you want to say in your advert. Produce the advert yourself, or get help in doing so. Email the result to the contact who handles local magazine placements, and explain what is required.
Notice required
A month or 6 weeks, depending on the publication cycle of the chosen magazine.
Other comments
Adverts in such publications are usually half a page – thus A6 landscape – and will normally be typeset. One could produce such an advert using Microsoft Word, but this is barely adequate. If you need help in designing and producing an A6 landscape advert, consult a typesetting contact.
John Murison (typesetting adverts)