Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh
Order of Service
Sunday 13th December 2020
Third Sunday in Advent
Livestreamed Christmas Gift Service
at 10.30am
Hymns are from CH4 and Readings are from NRSV
Organ: Welcome and Intimations Lighting of the Advent Candles Hymn: Long ago, prophets knew Prayer of Approach and Confession, Gifts 1 Song: Sharing God's Christmas Light Reading: Isaiah 61: 1–4 and 8–11 [Reader: Rachel McWilliam] Reading/Song: The Magnificat (Song of Mary) Song: The Canticle of the turning Reflection Song: Mary, did you know? Gifts 2: Offering and Dedication of our Gifts, Prayers for the world Hymn 301: Hark, the herald angels sing Benediction, with sung Amen at Hymn 822 Organ: |