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Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh
Sunday 23rd February 2025
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Uniformed Organisations Service:
“Stronger Together”
In-Person and Livestreamed Worship, 10.30am
Worship Leader: Rev Ian Gilmour
Organist: Alberto Massimo
Order of Service
(Hymns are from CH4, and readings are from NRSV)
Organ: Movements from The Water Music, by *George Frideric Handel
*Born 23rd February 1685 (340 years ago today)
Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
Hymn 456: Christ is the world’s true light [Tune: Nun Danket (CH4:182)]
Opening Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 544: When I needed a neighbour [Tune: Neighbour]
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12–19 (NT pp170–171) [Reader: An Explorer Scout]
162 Brownies
162B Brownies
Reading: Luke 6: 27–31 (NT p62) [Reader: An Explorer Scout]
Renewal of Promises of Scouts and Guides
Hymn 693: Help us forgive, forgiving Lord [Tune: Crimond (CH4:14)]
Prayers of Thanksgiving and for Others, led by Lara Barnes and Ben Mathie (Explorer Scouts)
Hymn 113: God the Father of Creation [Tune: Cwm Rhondda]
Benediction, with sung Amen at Hymn 822
National Anthem (verse 1)
Organ: Movements from The Water Music, by George Frideric Handel