Greenbank  Parish  Church




Our Summer Sunday Worship is at 10am


Rev Ian Y Gilmour, Locum Minister

Public Worship

For a period of seven weeks, from Sunday 23rd June 2024 to Sunday 4th August 2024 inclusive, the morning service will be at 10am.  Our usual start time of 10.30am will resume on Sunday 11th August 2024.

We continue our “blended” approach of contemporary and traditional influences.  This is a hybrid service for in-person participation and is also livestreamed.

Recently Recorded Services

Here is a link to a page of recent video recordings at Greenbank Parish Church.
When a service is in progress, it links to the live service broadcast.

Here is the ‘Latest Order of Service’ page. It gives details of the service which has most recently taken place, until a day or two before the next service.

Holy Communion

Quarterly Communion is held on the first Sundays of March, June, September, and December. There is a Communion service in the Braid Room at 9.30am (in-person only), and a Communion service in the Sanctuary at 10.30am (in-person and livestreamed).



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