Greenbank  Parish  Church



Guild Work Party

Meetings are held fortnightly on Thursdays at 2.30pm in the Hermitage Room from the end of September until the end of March (with a break over the festive period) when patterns and wool are available for knitting at home and completed garments are returned. Members also enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

The Work Party in Greenbank is one of the oldest organisations in our church, reference being made to it in the 1904 church Year Book as the Mission Work Party. While, in its early years, the emphasis was on providing garments for missionary projects, its scope soon widened and goods were also distributed to charities in Edinburgh. Knitted garments were sent to the forces serving in both World Wars and in the Korean War. After its amalgamation with the Woman’s Guild in 1956, it was designated as the Guild Work Party.

For many years after the second World War, large quantities of hand-sewn and knitted garments were distributed to local homes for children, the elderly and the disabled as well as to Church of Scotland homes in India and Africa. Coffee Mornings and Bring and Buy sales were held to provide funds towards the cost of the materials and grants and donations were made by the Congregational Board and the Guild respectively.

photograph of bin bags full of handknitting ready for distribution to charityDue to changes in social circumstances, fewer charities now require hand-made garments but the Work Party still continues to help those in need.  Last year over 175 knitted garments ranging from tiny hats and mitts to jackets, jumpers and blankets were distributed to Children 1st, the Simpson ante-natal unit, St John Special Care Baby Unit and the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society for its work in Malawi.

The winter session will begin in October. We shall again be knitting garments for a number of charities including Children 1st, Edinburgh Clothing Store, Simpson’s Maternity Unit, St. Columba’s Hospice, the Open Door and the Help The Homeless group.


More members are always welcome and if you enjoy knitting, please come along to one of our meetings. For further information, please contact the Church Office.

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