Greenbank  Parish  Church



Latest Order of Service

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Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh
Sunday 12th January 2025

First Sunday after Epiphany

In-Person and Livestreamed Worship, 10.30am

Worship Leader: Rev Ian Gilmour

watch the service

Order of Service

(Hymns are from CH4, and readings are from NRSV)

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn 4: How excellent in all the earth  [Tune: Winchester Old]

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Young Church

Hymn 623: Here in this place new light is streaming  [Tune: Gather Us In]

Reading: Isaiah 43: 1–7 (OT p682)  [Reader: Hazel McLachlan]

Hymn 334: On Jordan's bank  [Tune: Winchester New (Crasselius)]

Reading: Luke 3: 15–17, 21–22 (NT pp57–58)  [Reader: Angus McLachlan]

Hymn 335: Out of the flowing river  [Tune: Oakfield]


Hymn 502: Take my life, Lord, let it be  [Tune: Nottingham]

Prayers of Thanksgiving and for Others, led by Alison Murison

Hymn 336: Christ is our light!  [Tune: Woodlands (CH4 286)]

Benediction, with sung Amen at Hymn 822


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