Greenbank  Parish  Church



World Church Group

World Church Group

The World Church group’s remit is "to keep the congregation informed of church matters around the world’’ and we do this in a number of ways.


Church of Scotland Faith Action Programme

The World Church group follows information provided by Church of Scotland, on news from around the world, international partnerships and mission partners.

Mission Partners | The Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland Faith Action - International Partnership | Facebook


Our Mission Partner

Our Mission Partner in Jerusalem is the Rev Stewart Gillan.

His latest letter to us is here, you can read his blog here and you can follow him and his church on Facebook St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church Jerusalem,Facebook




The World Church group organises a stall selling Fairtrade goods several times a year after the Sunday morning service. Goods include household staples such as tea, coffee, muesli and also seasonal goods such as Easter eggs and Christmas gifts. Fairtrade goods can also be purchased directly from the One World Shop and from other outlets.


True Origin (formerly JTS) Kilombero Rice

From time to time Greenbank Church participates in the 90kg Rice Challenge, encouraging the purchase of the award winning and very tasty Kilombero Rice from Malawi. At other times rice can be purchased directly from the True Origin online shop through which it is also possible to pay for food donations to a local foodbank.


Toilet Twinning

The World Church group makes a small margin on Fairtrade goods sold and donates the surplus to charity. In 2017 surplus funds were used to twin the Greenbank Church toilets with school toilets in Zambia through Toilet Twinning.

More recently in 2022/23 donations have been made to the Vine Trust's Kazunzu Village of Hope project in Tanzania and to the Youth Empowerment Support Initiative in Malawi.



Christian Aid

The World Church group is on hand to support the Christian Aid co-ordinator with the annual Christian Aid Week collection and with other fund-raising events during the year.


The Guild

The World Church group takes an active interest in overseas projects supported by the Greenbank Guild based on projects selected by the Church of Scotland Guild.


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