Greenbank  Parish  Church



Greenbank Connections

Greenbank Connections

Type of Information

Text, illustration, logo, web references, etc.


Look at previous issues of Connections, and note how long articles are on average.
A single page of the magazine is usually the upper limit (equivalent to about 400 words), although special features may be spread over two or even more pages.
Compose your article, gather any relevant illustrations, and submit them, preferably by email to
If you don’t have access to a computer, submit a paper copy of your article by leaving it in the Connections editors’ pigeonhole in the Main Hall.

If possible, also supply whatever relevant photographs or illustrations you can: the editors will decide which of these to use and how to place them relative to the text of the article. (Illustrations make an article more attractive on the page, and therefore more likely to be read.)

The editors, at their discretion, may adapt an article and associated illustrations, for example to fit the available space.

Notice required

The deadline for submission of material of an issue of Connections is given on the back of the previous issue. For emailed submissions this is 9am on the Friday before the second-last Sunday of the month prior to the issue month in question; for printed or handwritten submissions, they should be in the editors’ pigeonhole by 10.30am on the Sunday morning before that. For example, if you had wanted an item to appear in the May 2018 issue of Connections, you should have submitted it – at the latest – either by email by 9am on Friday 20 April 2018, or on paper to the editors' pigeonhole by 10.30am on Sunday 15 April 2018.
The editors appreciate it when deadlines are observed: while late submissions may be included, they can lead to last-minute formatting changes, stress and mistakes.

Other comments

Please ask for help (in good time) if you would like assistance in any aspect of your article, or with an illustration or block advertisement. It is best if you provide the elements – text, photographs, any logo – rather than attempt a mock-up.
If you have trouble locating a specific logo or image, consult the editors – they may be able to help.

Greenbank members’ telephone numbers will be included in the printed magazine if provided, but will normally be removed from the version of Connections posted on the Greenbank website.


Editorial email address:
Edith Armit (Editor)
Louise Coghill (Editor)
Moira Land (Editor)
Alison Murison (Editor)
John Murison   (illustrations and block advertisements)

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