Greenbank  Parish  Church



Latest Order of Service

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Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh
Sunday 30th March 2025

Fourth Sunday in Lent 

In-Person and Livestreamed Worship, 10.30am

Worship Leader: Rev Ian Gilmour
Organist: Alberto Massimo

watch the service

Order of Service

(Hymns are from CH4 and readings are from NRSV)


Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn 181: For the beauty of the earth  [Tune: Lucerna Laudoniae]

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Young Church

Hymn 194: This is the day  [Tune: The Lord’s Day]

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 16–21 (NT p178)  [Reader: Clare Campbell]

Hymn 117: Mothering God, you gave me birth  [Tune: Mother Julian]

Reading: Luke 15: 1–3, 11b–32 (NT pp75–76)  [Reader: Ian McWilliam]

Anthem: Wash me throughly, by S S Wesley

Sermon: The Prodigal Son

Hymn 542: Lord, speak to me  [Tune: Warrington (CH4 470)]

Prayers of thanksgiving and for others, led by Joan Ritchie

Hymn 182: Now thank we all our God  [Tune: Nun Danket]

Benediction, with sung Amen at Hymn 822



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