Greenbank  Parish  Church



Latest Order of Service

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Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh
Sunday 14th July 2024
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

In-Person and Livestreamed Worship, 10am

Worship Leader: Rev Ian Gilmour
 Guest Organist: Calum Landon

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Order of Service

(Hymns are from CH4 and readings are from NRSV)

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn 18: The earth belongs to God alone  [Tune: St Matthew]

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Young Church Focus

Hymn 692: Jesus puts this song into our hearts  [Tune: Song In Our Hearts]

Reading: 2 Samuel 6: 1–5, 12b–19 (OT p289)  [Reader: Vivien Hutchison]

Hymn 404: I danced in the morning  [Tune: Lord of the Dance]

Reading: Mark 6: 14–29 (NT p39)  [Reader: Moira Davidson]

Solo: And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, sung by Olivia Massimo


Offering, during which we sing Hymn CH3 215: Jesus, whose all-redeeming love  [Tune: Dunfermline (CH4 70)]

Prayers of Thanksgiving and for others, led by Anne Kinnear

Hymn 363: We have a gospel to proclaim  [Tune: Walton (Fulda)]

Benediction, with sung Amen at Hymn 822


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