Greenbank  Parish  Church





The Greenbank Eco-Group evolved, starting as a Board group focused on energy saving, then developing a wider agenda which is now structured on Eco-Congregation Scotland’s three key themes of Spiritual Living, Practical Living and Global Living.

The Eco-Group has recently developed the Greenbank Church Eco-Congregation Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 which can be found here together with a specific Action Plan for 2024.

Seeking to play a part in the fight against climate change the group has several regular activities:

  • Moderating a Facebook Group providing a neighbourhood  forum on Green Issues
  • Providing an article from the group in every issue of Connections
  • Maintaining the church garden and greening the front of the church
  • Encouraging ethical procurement - Fairtrade consumables, flowers, sustainable products etc, raw materials for church handyman
  • Encouraging church building improvements to meet ethical standards e.g. ensuring the new boiler can be converted to burning Hydrogen, insulation of buildings.
  • Encouraging recycling initiatives

Eco Congregation Scotland Awards

Greenbank Church is a holder of the Gold Award of Gold award plaqueEco Congregation Scotland. Our assessors were so impressed with our action within the church and in the community here in Greenbank and in the wider world that instead of giving us the Silver Award which we had applied for we were given the Gold Award.

Here is the Church of Scotland’s toolkit:  A Practical Path to Net Zero Carbon for Churches


Ethical Procurement Policy

Our policy is here.


Pre-Covid Activities

Bike Day – demonstrations of electric and cargo bikes. Bike fixing clinics.

Congregational Survey and Exhibition

Members were given survey forms on entry to the church and encouraged to visit an exhibition including a computer running energy calculations. Results of the survey were published in various issues of Connections.

Film Nights

Various films have been shown with lively discussions afterwards.

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